Autumn Respite

It seems the internet and airwaves are awash with bad/crazy/scary news. I care about it all and am paying attention and cannot wait until next Tuesday, when I will be pressing my nose up against the window at my local polling place, eager to vote.

And yet . . . one needs a break. One needs a reminder that our world isn’t only bad/crazy/scary. You, my blog friends, offer many and excellent reminders of that. And I want to contribute my own, from my lovely part of the world.

Autumn has been awesome this year. It’s always my favorite time of year, here in upstate New York, in the Adirondack Mountains, near Lake Champlain. But this year the color of the trees, in addition to being bright, has persisted longer than usual or so it seems to me. A few trees fade and more have taken their place.

I can’t give you the freshening breeze that makes the leaves dance and sparkle. I can’t give you the tang of woodsmoke or the crunch of dry leaves beneath your feet. I can’t give you the snap of an Autumn Crisp apple or the sound of the snow geese as they make their raucous way south.

But I can give you the sights of autumn. Many, many sights of autumn. You can click on them as you choose . . . I just know I feel better having been out there, in our pretty world.



81 thoughts on “Autumn Respite

  1. Oh! The leaves, tress, vines and red barn! That is what I call Autumn. In my locale we from hot to all the sudden cold. Leaves just dry up curdled brown. Beautiful pics!

  2. We have two weeks of early voting here — I went on the second day, which was cold and rainy, thinking that would have kept the crowds down. But there were over 100 people in line, and the line stayed at that number the whole time I was moving through. I am so relieved that I already got my vote in, the pressure would be killing me if I had to wait until the actual day!!

    But you are absolutely right, we all need that respite. Thank you for creating it!

    • I heard from a friend in Houston and she said the same thing–early voting was packed! We don’t get the option of voting early here so the polling places will be swamped next week. I really do intend to be there at 6 a.m.

  3. I like a good cemetary, too! And that one red maple photo is great…but they all are. Thank you for sharing. Have you had any snow yet? My daughter is up at Saratoga Springs this weekend for a rowing regatta and they were forecasting a wintry mix. Brrrrr.

    • Rowing in a wintry mix?? She’s a tough cookie! We have had snow flurries here in the valley near the lake but I can see snow covering the nearby mountains. I missed a great photo of the blue lake with Mount Mansfield, in Vermont, glowing white in the background.

  4. I love autumn colour, and miss it here in the tropics… I think my favourite of all those photos isn’t leaves, but that second close-up of the corn, such a fabulous combination of colours. Gold, eggplant, black, garnet, gold, watermelon – ooh, I feel a quilt coming on!

  5. I have to say our fall color has not been that great. I have no idea if we had too much heat and humidity or too much rain, but the color responded and it’s not that pretty this year. Today, it is cold, in the 30’s, pouring rain, and we’ve already gotten a text from the power company alerting us to potential power outages. And, so fall goes. πŸ™‚ As far as the state of the world, well, that’s a topic that could cause us all to need meds to cope. Every day, I think I’ve seen all the ugliness we can heap on our fellow citizens, and then a new one pops up. There is zero tolerance for anyone we don’t see in the mirror. I’ll be there on voting day too, but I’m not sure how far that will get us onto a better track because we are way down the road from where most of us would prefer to be. But, there’s always hope. πŸ™‚

  6. Your autumn colour is simply beautiful! You are a wise woman, turning your attention to the beauty of your world where energy and refreshment are both found in abundance. The Indian corn is so pretty. We don’t get it here except as the odd dried relic from the 70’s when it was briefly here – probably illegally πŸ™‚ Sending you wishes for better days xoxo

    • Actually, we’ve had a lot of rain but I took photos when the sun did shine. We don’t have the option of voting early in New York–what’s up with that?? I really do plan to be at the door of the polling place at 6 a.m. next Tuesday.

      • We have had lots of rain lately, which is good, it makes up for the dry summer. Glad you saw a bit of sun, though!

        Bummer about no early voting! I really like that we have it, I use it most years. Gets it out of the way. Check it off the list! I am holding my breath on outcomes…

    • How can these things be happening here? And now our weather is gray and gloomy so that brings us down every more . . . I can’t wait to vote. it’s such a small thing but it’s all we seem to have.

  7. Cute mom is right! Many, many thanks for this lovely post, both the words and the images. Like you, I am utterly exhausted by all the chaos and ugliness in this country. At times, it is soul-crushing. Thank heavens for blogging friends like you.

  8. I think those of us overseas need to know that there is still so much beauty in the USA, both physically ~ thank you for those beautiful photos ~ and in people like yourself. Cast your vote with pride.

    • Oh, thank you, Anne! Really, there is so much good in this country–I just hope there’s enough good to outweigh the current evil. I will vote with pride and hope . . .

    • Yes, the red is the little extra we get in the northeast. And I read that climate change may threaten our maples and we could lose those colors. Makes me sad to think about . . .

      • I wonder what the thought is in that. I always thought basic color is based on DNA, and weather can make the turn brighter or duller. I’ll have to look that up! We did have some violet red in our plum trees this year, never seen that before, so maybe the 200% rainfall?

  9. Oh how wonderful! Your fall photos are bursting with color…I love the photo of your Mom also the North country scene.. great capture of the old tractor!

    • My mom loved that outing–she kept oohing and aahing over every bright tree and pretty scene. The tractor is at a farm museum–strange to think we need farm museums . . .

  10. What a gorgeous collection of photos. I loved seeing your mom with the pumpkins, as well as the contrast of the blue sky and fall colors, the vines clinging to buildings, the tractor, all of it. Your words helped me take in the scent of the season as well. I left Canada in 1966, but buried deep in my DNA or sense memory is a set of emotions that bubble up this time of year. Thanks for the memories, both new and old.

    • Thanks, Alys! The photos come from 2, or maybe 3, really nice days we’ve had lately–so much rain! But there’s nothing like autumn in this part of the world. I’d miss it very much, if I moved away.

  11. All so lovely. We’ve had a beautiful autumn here in the French PyrenΓ©es too but, yesterday, the temperature dropped significantly and we had some rain which fell as snow in the mountains. So now I can see (not too) distant snow from the windows I might have to light the log burner which also has its attractions of course.

  12. Yes Kerry, despite everything we feel and see sometimes, we must must must keep going and showing we are better than β€œthat” and won’t be beat nor getting numb and loosing compassion (as if you ever would…) Where and how else than restore energy and get invigorated than in Fall and enjoy all the bounty of harvest and the beauty of Nature. Kindred Spririts Kerry and your mom is indeed too cute for words. Lots of love from this Happy Fall girl too xoxoxo.

    • I always know that you will share my enthusiasm for autumn, Johanna! Even the terrible news every day can’t keep me from being happy to be out in nature’s beauty. XOXOX

  13. We are doing Spring in Peru instead of Fall in West Virginia this year. We are also skipping out from the election adds and robo-calls (but will be back on election day). We thought of you yesterday when we toured a traditional textile weaving/embroidering studio (and SHOP). I’ll post a photo in a few days, when I catch up with our time in Cusco (we may also be out of internet range for a few days). – Oscar

  14. A wonderful post. You clearly stated that sometimes we have to look for our blessings. They don’t just come up and tap us on the shoulder, do they. Always good to be reminded of that.

    • And blessings feel a little hard to come by lately, when there seems to be endless bad news. Thanks for your comment–I’m headed out to actively look for blessings!

  15. Just stunningly gorgeous there. Autumn is my favorite and my ballot is sitting right here waiting to be filled out. We can only hope and try to get it right this time. Your photos of this beautiful part of the country do ease the heart a bit. Thanks.

    • Thanks, Marlene–I helped my mom fill out an absentee ballot (we can’t vote in NY until actual Election Day) and it was very satisfying to make certain marks on the ballot!

  16. Oh wow, Kerry! I love all those shots! I have scrolled through them all a couple of times and just adore all of them. Your Mom is definitely cute and that leaf colour…well, I am speechless! πŸ˜€

  17. Thank you so much, Kerry, for sharing these beautiful views of the season! It is healing and relaxing to take a walk on a crisp autumn day to get away from all that drains our spirit!

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