Manly Hands at Home: Recent Weaving

I’ve been oddly quiet about weaving lately, haven’t I?

It’s not that I haven’t been weaving.

There was that failed attempt (well, two attempts, if you want to be precise) at Monk’s belt coasters. Monk’s belt is a weaving structure that the rest of the world seems to think is just THE easiest but . . . the coasters were a disaster.

Because this is happy blogland, however, let’s not talk about failures.

And then there’s the gift I wove for a special person. It turned out nicely but it doesn’t seem right that you see it before she does.

You may recall, however, that I’m not the only weaver in the household.

My husband has been weaving up a storm, with no failures and no secret projects. So, it’s time to showcase manly hands at home!

51 thoughts on “Manly Hands at Home: Recent Weaving

    • I think it’s interesting how different his weaving is from mine. Those subtle-colored runners look like something I would make, though. He’s much more interested in bright colors and splashy designs. I like dishtowels. 😉

  1. Aaaand you have those manly hands safely home again!! Though I admire all Don’s beautiful weaving, I am seriously in love with the chunky shawl…are you nicely wrapped up in that one,Kerry? have the most wonderful and lovely sunday together xo Johanna

  2. These are beautiful. I love that you both weave with your own sensibility,you both create magnificent weavings.

    I’ve been struggling with my creative adventures too. I’ve created some really awful stuff lately but I think perhaps I’m trying new things, failing and trying it again slightly differently. I think it’s a-okay to fail as long as we keep trying. I hope you do too Kerry. You are so talented, I would imagine you are pushing yourself for a big break through!

    • I am very comfortable with failing and, like you, think it’s probably a necessary component of learning. I failed at the planned coasters twice–I actually managed to salvage one set in a way that pleased me quite a bit. Then with the second warp, I just got ticked off and walked away. Someday I’ll go back to this, though, and prevail! And you will, too!

  3. I had no idea your husband wove too. I like how understated the runners are as well. They will add lovely layering and texturing to the table without competing with the table setting. The navy and pistachio is particularly nice. I’ll be eager to see your creation for your friend when the time comes.

    • We took weaving lessons together just over a year ago–it is very helpful to have someone to help with weaving problems and to discuss ideas. The most interesting part, to me, is to see what appeals to each of us–so different and, yet, it’s all weaving!

  4. I’m so glad your husband is home and on the way up. And what a talented pair you are! Tell him I particularly love that chunky shawl. And the runners…….well, everything really.

  5. your husband’s weaving is lovely, isn’t it amazing how different the work can be while doing the same thing? what’s the problem with the Monk’s Belt? it is one of my all time favorite patterns, maybe try it on something a little wider and be sure to use a floating selvedge thread.

    • I don’t now what the problem is . . . I do use a floating selvage (on everything, need it or not!). I used a finer thread for the warp and tabby weft and a heavier for the pattern weft. I tried to beat hard. But the background showed through too much and the pattern just looked like lines on top, not like blocks of color. I cut a piece off and washed it, to see if it would shrink and look better and it didn’t. I probably need to try something wider and do it on the floor loom not the Dorothy. Sigh. I do love the look of it, when I see what other people have done . . .

    • I think that’s why he likes it, too! He has to focus all the time. With those two runners, he made a mistake in threading and the warp epi was VERY dense. So the pattern weft doesn’t sit on top as much as it should but they ended up being really pretty anyway! We’ll claim he did it on purpose!

  6. Wonderful!! Glad to read hubby can be busy at something again. Keep your upbeat spirit my friend, as it is a blessing to me ! 🙂 it’s not that I don’t want to hear about other people’s trouble, but when they wallow in self pity then, I turn the page.😉

  7. What lovely weaving–and how nice to share your textile passion with someone in-house! Sending happy anniversary wishes to you both and get well wishes for your husband.

    • Thanks, Jean! It is lovely to have a fellow weaver in the house! We help each other with trouble-shooting and planning–beaming on is much easier with a second pair of hands, as I’m sure you know!

  8. So, are the manly hands at home again? On the mend? [If they have put him on warfarin he probably feels awful……. I certainly did anyway.] I’m still in love with your wedding picture from the last post!!

    I know all about failed attempts artistically. However, it’s how we learn and the idea is to take it and raise ourselves up …… sigh!! You know I think your work is beautiful! I like the idea that Don makes ‘bright colors and splashy designs’ as you shared with another commenter. That’s my preferred play area for sure 🙂
    I do hope he will start to play again soon – it will help the healing process! Sending best wishes to you both xo

    • Yes, he’s home and on warfarin, as well as giving himself injections of another blood thinner for a few days! But he’s so happy to be here that the situation is manageable. Those runners he did look much more like something I would choose to make–his natural aesthetic is much more evident in the shawl. Wait until you see the next thing he has planned!

      • I made a fuss about being in hospital so they let me go home early because I had a friend and a daughter who both promised to give me the necessary shots. Home is the best place to get well!

        I’m looking forward to his next reveal! Best wishes to you both xo

    • The runners are made of Cottolin, a mix of cotton and linen. They have already been washed (or “wet finished”, as we say in the weaving biz!). He washed them more gently, by hand and in tepid water, than we normally would wash this fiber because he actually made a mistake in the planning and they are very densely woven. We were afraid that, if he washed them in the machine, in warmer water, they’d shrink more than we wanted.

  9. I was glad to see your comment to snarkyquilter that it was an overshot with a densely sett warp – I was guessing crackle, so now I know.
    On your monk’s belt coasters, maybe you are right and the warp is just too narrow. Could you just weave them as boundweave? Use the pattern shots and skip the tabby. The wefts will slide down a lot, but if you want them for coasters, that might work. Or you could change to wool for the weft, and it might bloom enough to give you the look you want.

    • Thanks–I’ll try both those ideas, when I can bring myself to go back to the project! The pitiful thing is that I did a really long warp the first time and, when I didn’t like the Monk’s belt, I used a flat tape yarn as weft and liked that fine. Made about a zillion coasters. THEN I put on another really long warp, thinking I’d figured out the problem . . . and it still looks bad and now I am sick to death of it all. You would think that I’d learn to sample!

      • Ha! Samples are for people who are too scared to commit to REALLY big “learning opportunities”!
        (I never have the patience to sample either, and am often very sorry about that.)

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