It’s Snow Big Deal

A foot of snow in mid-November is unusual but, in this region, it’s no big deal. Not really.

And it’s always fun to see what the snow and wind leave in their wake.

We often get amazing sastrugi but this time around we got twin peaks.


The table on our deck and the porch rails are a couple inches apart, far enough to give us two identical shark-fin-shaped piles of snow, about 18 inches tall.


And this spider’s lovely work was further adorned by the snow.


My sister says it says as much about my housekeeping as it does about the weather. I say the web is outside and that doesn’t count as “housekeeping.”

In fact, the snow makes the world look clean and sparkly as the sun shines today. The temperatures will warm soon and this will all melt. And, then, inevitably, the next storm will come and pile us up again.

But we have a cozy house, a fireplace, cats to cuddle, and warming beverages.

Winter is snow . . . big deal.

26 thoughts on “It’s Snow Big Deal

  1. Wow, a foot of snow! We only got a dusting. That snow-covered web is exquisite, and I’m with you all the way about the web being outside. Spiders are so beneficial that the only webs I sweep away are the ones around the front door. All other outdoor webs are welcome.

  2. Well, I obviously read about sastrugi in January, when Sandra tipped you off abut them. But funnily enough, the chance to use the word simply hasn’t come up, so I’d forgotten it. Thanks Kerry, thanks Sandra! And tell your sister to leave spiders’ webs, in or out, severely alone. Can’t be doing with homeless spiders. That’s my excuse, anyway.

  3. Not a whisper of snow in our neck of the woods but now I am excited …let it snow so I can discover jeweled webs and fabulous snow sculptures – not sure I’ll find any sastrugi’s 🙂 but I’ll be looking!

  4. We so rarely get snow. I envy you the dramatic seasonal changes and fleeting views; you are always seeing new things even if you stay put. Our seasonal changes are so subtle that unless it is downright hot outside, I have to stop and think what time of year it is.

  5. I love the snow on the spider web. Looks like lace! We had no snow down here. Lots of cold air though. It was in the teens this morning and not expected to get above freezing all day.

  6. Now who bothers with spider webs outside? 😳 that’s where their supposed to be.😁 I really like that snowy web. You painted a delightful picture of cozy home,fireplace,kitty cats,and hot drinks…then let it snow.

  7. I don’t even like removing spiders from inside the house – I wouldn’t think of touching their webs outside. We’ve had snow but it’s way up on the peaks at the moment – it doesn’t normally descend until much later but then I don’t like it as much. I like the ‘pretty’ but not the ‘slippy’.

  8. Wow, snow already! Here in Southern Germany it’s unusually cold, no fall temps but straight to winter temps. If we do get snow here sooner than usual, like you did, I hope we at least have some for Christmas too. That’s typically the one time you want snow and don’t get it 🙂

  9. You won’t hear me complain here in South Texas (close to San Antonio) about cold or even snow! I am in heaven with this 30-40 degree weather. Great for walking about 7 AM! Bad news is that it might warm up and then 2 weeks before we see cold again – Darn! Hugs

  10. Lovely. We only have a few inches. No sculptures, but lots of deer, fox, and rabbit tracks revealed. I don’t think I’ve ever had a snow-jeweled spider web, myself. It’s exquisite. Tell your sister that the spiders are your fellow weavers and you get inspiration from their creations! I’ve been spending my mornings weaving in the sunny south window. I love this time of year.

  11. Like Margaret, I too, had forgotten all about sastrugi but am pleased to re-acquaint myself with the word especially as it is accompanied by your amazing twin-peaks of snow! No snow here but lots of rain and a little sleet a couple of days ago.

  12. It is so beautiful what the wind can do with the snow. I’m glad you didn’t tidy up the spider web. It’s a work of natural wonder. Who worries about housekeeping with so much creativity going on there. 😉 I love snow when no one has to drive in it. It’s too warm here for even the furnace to turn on.

  13. I’m with you on the spider web. In fact, spiders are fabulous for the garden and are left to do their work uninterrupted. Your snow peaks are stunning. I’m glad you can enjoy it from your warm and cozy home. It all looks inviting from here, but I know it’s been punishing weather for many on your coast.

  14. over the last decade or so I’ve been online, I have realised some you do snow…but this is the first year that I’ve began to understand that snow isn’t necessarily in what I might deem your winter time. I still think of you as being in Fall/Autumn.

    and to add a little more, where I live in the world, in the upper half of the North Island (New Zealand) we don’t do snow at all. The closest we get is giant hailstones…usually accompanied by a lot of rain and wind…..

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