What Would You Do . . . ?

1458528_717942198258613_1716610046_nWhat would you do if money was no object and fear was just a word?

A little while ago, Pam, at the blog “The Muse,” asked this question of her readers.

I had a lot of fun thinking about the question, and reading the responses (some from folks who read this blog, too). So, in my exhausted, post-holiday-boutique state, I’m going to blatantly copy Pam’s idea and ask you the question.

If money was no object and fear was just a word, what would you do?

As for me, I’d make some charitable donations and help friends and family pursue their dreams. I’d buy the farm formerly owned by my family, currently abandoned, and fix it up so more generations of children could grow up knowing the joy of being a farm kid.

But the big thing I’d do is buy the building called the Old Stone Barracks, on the former strategic air command base in Plattsburgh, NY, and set up an arts and crafts cooperative.

I’d use my money and energy to restore this beautiful, huge building and preserve its history. The building was erected in 1838 and made of locally quarried limestone. It is currently empty and falling into increasing disrepair.

169817_158727830846722_7442467_oIf money were no object and I were a bold visionary, I’d fill the rooms of this 200-foot long structure with people making things. We’d have experts coming to teach fiber arts, and metalsmithing, and ceramics, and woodworking, and everything. We’d have studio spaces where artists could work and share equipment and ideas and support. We’d have open houses and bring school kids in, to learn about the power that comes from making something with your own hands. We’d bring history and tradition and vision and inspiration together, together!

It’s such fun to dream! What would your dream be, if money was no object and fear was just a word?